In a recent article in WhatTheyTh!nk, Johnny Shell provided an update on what the fashion-textile industry is doing to deal with it’s rehabilitate itself from a major polluter ro a more sustainable industry.

Shell reminds us that the textile industry is a notorious consumer and polluter of water—about 93 billion cubic meters. That’s about 20% of the world’s wastewater. In addition to that, the textile industry is responsible for about 10% of global CO2 emissions and generates about 92 billion tons of solid waste each year.

So, in order to address these issues, the industry is apparently implementing the following strategies:

  • Optimizing water use.
  • Reducing energy consumption.
  • Minimizing waste.
  • Promoting recycling.

It seems to me that these are measures that every shop can aim to implement. As the popular saying goes: “We’re all in this together.”