As with any small business, bosses of textile screen shops range from likeable to dislikeable. Where do you fit on the likeable-to-dislikeable scale?

You might be wondering whether it matters where you fit on the likeable-dislikeable scale. The short answer is, yes. it’s worth keeping in mind that just as people prefer doing business with people they like, employees prefer working for bosses they like. If this is true—and it’s widely believed to be so—then it makes sense that a small business with a likeable boss is more likely to succeed than one with a dislikeable boss.

‘Succeed” in this instance would mean attracting and retaining good employees for a productive workforce. It follows therefore that bosses perceived to be dislikeable, have something to gain by making themselves more likeable. And let’s not confuse “likeable” with “soft touch”. A boss doesn’t have to be a dislikeable tyrant to be an assertive, smart, decisive employer. He or she can be all that and still be likeable.

So what constitutes dislikeable? For starters, when he or she harshly criticises employees in front of their co-workers. I recall a great example from a textile screen printing shop where the boss held up a sweat shirt in front of the entire staff on their lunch break and asked who’d printed it. The reason for asking was obvious— instead of the print being on the chest of the garment it was on the stomach area. When the responsible employee raised his hand, the boss, in typical fashion, yelled “Well you are an effing idiot!”. This is not likeable and not the way to build a contented, productive environment.

And not only is this bad for staff  morale, but it’s awkward for third-party witnesses, particularly customers and suppliers. So the consequences can extend beyond staff management.

Therefore, if you’re perceived as a dislikeable boss, you should care about it and mend your ways for the sake of your business.