The emulsion you use for a particular job depends upon the ink and printing process. Here are ten questions to help determine the emulsion best suited to your purpose. They were originally prepared by Dave Dinning of Kiwo.

Once you have considered your answers to these questions, one of Stanley’s experts will be able to help you select the appropriate emulsion:

  1. Will I use water-based, solvent-based, plastisol, UV or other inks with this emulsion?
  2. What solvents do I use to remove inks at press and in reclaim?
  3. Do I reclaim most of my screens or reuse them for repeat jobs?
  4. How many screens do I image per day?
  5. How long are my typical jobs?
  6. Do my jobs require high level of detail?
  7. What type of screen exposure system do I use?
  8. Do I use a computer-to-screen imaging system and if so, which one?
  9. What type of automatic screen making and/or reclaiming equipment do I use, if any?
  10. How well is humidity controlled in my screen room and exposure area?