Any business owner has at some time or other had to deal with employee performance or behaviour issues. It’s never easy but it can be made easier and produce better results if it’s handled according to a deliberate strep-by-step process. This is where “progressive discipline” comes in handy.

There are four steps in progressive discipline:

  1. Have a first meeting to discuss the issue. Depending upon the circumstances, you may want to have a witness present. Make the point that the meeting is about identifying and the issue and finding ways to deal with it. Set a turnaround target date and mention that there will be a follow-up meeting. Keep minutes of the meeting.
  2. If the target date comes and goes and there has been insufficient improvement, have the another meeting. This time set a timeframe with a deadline with specific goals. It should be given to the employee in writing and they should sign it to acknowledge that they’ve received it. Again, point out that there will be a follow-up meeting.
  3. If by the third meeting there are still issues, confirm to the employee that suspension or termination have become options. Set another deadline. Again, issue the warning in writing and have the employee sign it to acknowledge receipt.
  4. This step is the fourth and final and likely termination. But, be careful to comply with all statutes, employment standards, etcetera. Disgruntled employees will try their luck with labour boards and other similar resources no matter how weak their case may be. So, be sure to have your documentation and notes ready.

Taking disciplinary action is not pleasant. That’s why a definite step-by-step process can make it easier.