Shopify may not be everyone’s idea of an ideal e-commerce website host, but they put out some pretty useful small business management guides. I recently came across one of their papers on customer service and one item in particular caught my eye. It’s one of those things one wouldn’t ordinarily think about, but those are the kind of small things that can make a big difference in delivering excellent customer service.

This one is about what to do after you’ve solved a customer’s issue. It’s about not just dropping the matter but instead using the opportunity to drive home the fact that your shop offers great customer service. So, after the problem is solved, say something like this: “I’m glad that helped! Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.”

What this simple, easily-delivered message does is demonstrate sincerity and thoughtfulness. They leave or put the phone down with the impression that your shop cares about their business and cares enough to commit to solving their issues. This makes you likeable. And remember that people prefer to do business with people they like.